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The exact origins of the term twink are disputed. The claims twink has origins in the 1970s. Cream is among the well-known food-related terms for. The definition of twink has broadened, and qualifiers such as muscle or femme narrow the meaning to a more specific type of twink. While its definition has broadened throughout the years, the gay identity and slang itself remains racially coded within normative society. John D'Emilio offers a critical examination of the structures promoted by the continuous introduction of Industrial Capitalism, which allowed people, specifically the white American male, to gain a semblance of autonomy in the 18 th and 19 th centuries. Having this in place then created space for subversive relationship models, sexual and otherwise, separating the from its earlier purposes of survival and necessity, allocating freedoms to white men in order for them to pioneer a 'newly founded'. Since twink, as examined here, is slang which emerged from gay identity politics, its predecessor set the tone for which it too would embody. Twinks are often to emphasize a youthful, fresh-faced appearance. They are generally in their early 20s and slim, often with a boyish appearance. Some use the term to refer to those generally in nature, though this is not universal. The term has been used by and other gay men in a derogatory and manner. In some cases, it is a neutral descriptive term, and can be contrasted with bear. The term is often modified by various descriptors, e. The term is used in the industry. Twink can be seen as a popular in gay porn widely consumed across the globe. The term also serves to identify a within for which members of the community may self-identify, but their stable assurance mostly comes from acceptance by other members. These codes are used in , , and postings to identify the physical type and preferences of the poster, but have mostly fallen out of usage. Valentine, The kaleidoscope of gender: prisms, patterns, and possibilities, Pine Forge Press, 2007, pages 293-296, ,. Powers of Desire: The Politics of Sexuality. State University of New York Press.